Monday, February 26, 2007

Good morning,

i wasn't going to post this morning but i thought i would let you know how the weekend went.
On saturday Jayde was much better and seemed to enjoy going through Prelim 16, and we got quite far on with it especially seen as it rained heavily, as always.
And yesterday we managed to learn the test completely, and trained alongside Leona and Molly. Jaydes leaning in quite badly on her left shoulder, a result of her injury, however i'm hoping an hour with Tracy tonight at six, which will hopefully sort it out.

I'm really getting quite excited now, remembering how i love the show season spring - autumn. I would of liked a little more training time but it can't be helped and we're going to do our best. Will probably post once more before regionals, but don't hold your breath, i'm very busy.

Laura Salmon x

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