Tuesday, February 27, 2007


Last night after college i went down to the yard (which was very muddy) only to dsicover i had no jodpurs lol, so i had to ride in the jeans i was wearing which was mmmm different, especially trying to fit my chaps and spurs over them.

i was expecting Tracy at 6 so saddled Jayde up at quart to and got on to work her in and practice before she got here, but as normal she was late and didnt turn up til half 6, jayde was leaning on her left shoulder quite badly at first but to try and improve this we practiced turns on the haunches which helped with that a little bit, after settling her down in the canter we took Jayde through prelim 16 the test for the weekends regional finals and Tracy thought it went rather well apart from eveytime she struck off in right canter she was on the wrong lead so we spent the rest of the lesson practicing this, and Tracy advised we concentrated on this in training for the rest of the week until the competition. Overall we were all pleased with Jaydes behaviour in the lesson. And molly spent another relaxing night in her stable doing nothing as leona couldn't be bothered......

Laura x

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