Tuesday, February 27, 2007


Last night after college i went down to the yard (which was very muddy) only to dsicover i had no jodpurs lol, so i had to ride in the jeans i was wearing which was mmmm different, especially trying to fit my chaps and spurs over them.

i was expecting Tracy at 6 so saddled Jayde up at quart to and got on to work her in and practice before she got here, but as normal she was late and didnt turn up til half 6, jayde was leaning on her left shoulder quite badly at first but to try and improve this we practiced turns on the haunches which helped with that a little bit, after settling her down in the canter we took Jayde through prelim 16 the test for the weekends regional finals and Tracy thought it went rather well apart from eveytime she struck off in right canter she was on the wrong lead so we spent the rest of the lesson practicing this, and Tracy advised we concentrated on this in training for the rest of the week until the competition. Overall we were all pleased with Jaydes behaviour in the lesson. And molly spent another relaxing night in her stable doing nothing as leona couldn't be bothered......

Laura x

Monday, February 26, 2007

Good morning,

i wasn't going to post this morning but i thought i would let you know how the weekend went.
On saturday Jayde was much better and seemed to enjoy going through Prelim 16, and we got quite far on with it especially seen as it rained heavily, as always.
And yesterday we managed to learn the test completely, and trained alongside Leona and Molly. Jaydes leaning in quite badly on her left shoulder, a result of her injury, however i'm hoping an hour with Tracy tonight at six, which will hopefully sort it out.

I'm really getting quite excited now, remembering how i love the show season spring - autumn. I would of liked a little more training time but it can't be helped and we're going to do our best. Will probably post once more before regionals, but don't hold your breath, i'm very busy.

Laura Salmon x

Friday, February 23, 2007


I got down on Wednesday night as you know and Jayde was really full of herself and i mean really, so put her on the lunge and that didnt manage to get it out of her Tracy is really busy so cant get her until next week, so we've almost cut out all of jaydes energy food, so shes on 75% bulk, to try and settle her.

i havent started learning prelim 16 yet, which is quite a worry, but i will definately start this weekend whether jayde is misbehaving or not, then i have to learn prelim 13, for the Sykehouse Regionals a week later, which hopefully we will be in better form.

I can't get down today but my grandad is putting her on the lunge for 20 mins and taking her out which will hopefully keep her well, until tomorrow when we are doing extensive training, 20 mins on lunge and at least 1 hour of practice and the same on sunday... if i dont have a hangover.

The willerby entries are all filled in and are waiting on the kitchen side to be posted, which i will do tonight and then i have to get the sykehouse ones filled in, i've forgotten how busy Shows make you all through the week not just the day itself of the day before! i need to wash jaydes mane and tail and plait her up next friday....

Anyway so long...

Laura Salmon x

Wednesday, February 21, 2007


Finally yesterday i got back on a very hyperactive jayde, she was lovely in walk but her trot has somewhat to be desired, so i stuck her on the lunge to get rid of some of that excess energy, she had a really good buck lol. but settled down, when i got back on her she was lovely. then i hosed her leg down for the 2nd time she has ten mins twice a day before and after exercise.

The vet is giving her a check up today when she gives Molly her flu and tetanus jabs, and i'm catching the bus from school to the yard so i can give her some extra training to get as good as possible before the 3rd & 11th march, regionals. I'm also hoping to get a lesson with tracy on the next 3 fridays for additional help with jayde.

so i'll let you know how jayde is either tomorrow or friday.

Hasta Manana

Laura Salmon. xx

Sunday, February 18, 2007


it's been more than a month since i last posted but i've been so busy had my exchange student marie over before that and on a skiing trip for the last week so i didnt have the time, Jayde is fine and back into her training programme which is just as well seen as the regionals are only 2 weeks away, we are doing prelim 16 and we reallly need to get the entries off and learn it.

Jayde's leg is still slightly swollen but the vet said she's fine to resume into her normal training and she's wearing boots in the field for protection, shes definately full of energy and things will be back in full busy swing on tuesday.

i just can't wait i'm so excited 2 regionals in consecutive weeks before i head off to belgium the other way and when i return it will be already mid season, actually i think its going to be a good one.

Laura Salmon x