Tuesday, October 31, 2006


today i had my dressage lesson with tracy at 2.30 - 3.30, firstly i worked jayde in and got her bending and responsive before Tracy settled us down and fine tuned some points of my riding as a whole. After Jayde was settled down we went through the dressage test step by step, improving each time and then unfortunately it rained! heavily! and i got soaked!! Tracy thinks we should get high marks for the trot part and slightly less for the canter, but thinks we have what it takes to get the required percentage.

I have some College work to get on with but firstly i need to write the weekends plan, also today my sister and i got a letter inviting us to Epworth Club Christmas show invitational, which is mainly fun class and things like teams and pairs which is always a nice season finale.

The farrier is reshoeing the horses tomorrow as Jayde's shoes are coming unstuck and we can't risk her dropping one at Willerby on Sunday, when it's probably going to be freezing, lots of flasks and warm rugs required there!

Laura Salmon.

Monday, October 30, 2006


yesterday i did dressage with both Jayde and Molly, taking them through the tests and trying to smooth off some of the rougher parts, like the canter cross overs, i will get my trainer tracy to go through it with me tomorrow to cover it even more, and after my lesson i will apply the techniques to my riding with molly.

Finally the entries for the prelim 10 qual have been put in the mail box and the first big event will be on thursday finding out the times which we ride at on the sunday, saturday will be a prep day at southdale, lightly working the horses, plaiting up, and packing up the last of the gear to go to willerby. And sunday morning will be an early start, timing with not much room for error, so when we have these shows i have to write the plans for them on the monday or tuesday of the week before. if i get time i might write up one of these schedules on here, but i am working weds, thurs, and sat nights til 9, so i might not get the chance.

Alls well but busy at southdale, so for now

Laura Salmon.

Sunday, October 29, 2006


Currently there is one week to go until the dressage qualifier where i need 58% or above that doesnt seem to hard but depending on your horse it can be! When i rode jayde yesterday, i put her back in her snaffle and she went as well as she does in her pelham which is good. My main faults were the canter cross overs in the prelim 10 which i am working on and i really need to keep my legs very still :-).

Did i mention the photo above is us on route to coming second in an open jumper class!

I'm not particularly worried now but if the main faults aren't sorted by next saturday i may freak a little... I can always get tracy to help me out with the steps in my lesson on tuesday.

Talk to you soon

Laura Salmon

Friday, October 27, 2006


Trailblazers is the biggest unaffiliated finals in England and holds it's prestigious five day show in August. Competitors get there by firstly qualifying through a first round by jumping double clear in showjumping and gaining 58% or more in dressage then, every centre holds a second round and depending how many attend depends how many go through, no more than 10 go through.

Jumping classes include
75cm (2'6)
85cm (2'9)
95cm (3'1)
105cm (3'6)

Currently i am involved with the 85cms and the 95cms.

Dressage involves these levels
and freestyle

And i am taking part in pursuing the prelim dressage series, wish me luck guys!

Laura Salmon x

below is jayde and i in a 75cms TB jumping Qual. if it works well.

Hi I am Laura Salmon, Aged 16 From North Lincolnshire, UK. My one love is horses and i have decided to write this blog to share my passion, feelings, thoughts and experiences with the Equine.

Most riders have a great deal of financial support behind them and manage to own or ride five or six horses where my sister Leona, 15 and i only own one each. My Horse is Jayde, she's a 16,1hh 9 year old irish sports horse mare and completely black, she is the love of my life. Molly is a 15,1hh 5 year old welsh cob mare, dark bay and belongs to my younger sister.

Today I arrived at Southdale Farm early, at 8.30am to turn out the horses into the field, that's the other riders horses. I kept jayde up and decided to ride early. I took her into the arena for a session on the flat concentrating on keeping a good position and using my seat and it was fairly good but Jayde was a little discontented at the others enjoying themselves in the field whilst she worked. So i made the decision to hack her out and try and calm her down so we hacked through two local villages then back up the bridle way which leads to Southdale cantering and splashing in puddles having a great time. When i got back i decided to give Jayde a short break before jumping so i set up a bounce of small fences and 2 strides later a cross pole, knowing this coujld be somewhat fun and beneficial. Jayde had settled down in the arena and was really jumping well, this time her canter was in a much better rhythm and i was pleased

Hopefully when i ride her tomorrow she will show the same positive attitude and carry it through so my trainer Tracy can give us that push to get ready for the trailblazer dressage competition on November the 5th, when i am doing Prelim 10 qual and possibly prelim 14 qual and when Leona returns From Iceland and chooses her Class i will finally be able to get those entries sent off!

Will write soon

Laura Salmon x