Tuesday, October 31, 2006


today i had my dressage lesson with tracy at 2.30 - 3.30, firstly i worked jayde in and got her bending and responsive before Tracy settled us down and fine tuned some points of my riding as a whole. After Jayde was settled down we went through the dressage test step by step, improving each time and then unfortunately it rained! heavily! and i got soaked!! Tracy thinks we should get high marks for the trot part and slightly less for the canter, but thinks we have what it takes to get the required percentage.

I have some College work to get on with but firstly i need to write the weekends plan, also today my sister and i got a letter inviting us to Epworth Club Christmas show invitational, which is mainly fun class and things like teams and pairs which is always a nice season finale.

The farrier is reshoeing the horses tomorrow as Jayde's shoes are coming unstuck and we can't risk her dropping one at Willerby on Sunday, when it's probably going to be freezing, lots of flasks and warm rugs required there!

Laura Salmon.

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