Sunday, June 24, 2007


Well knowing it was going to rain we chose very wisely to go to hill house indoor rather than crowle.
If you placed in the top 10 you qualified for the jumping finals in september... which was an aim of mine particularly.

Leona went in the novice 2'6 and jumped a nice clear round and in the jump off pulled some daring turns and came 4th and qualified for the novice jumping finals in september. then in the 2'9 derby leona had a bit of trouble with the water tray.

I took jayde in the intermediate 3'0 and she just had one down but i ended up turning a circle when i missed a jump giving us 8 faults then in the 3'3 - 3'6 she jumped fab just having one down and there was only 2 clears and we came 6th qualifying for the open jumping finals in september.

Also our friend Holly did well at Crowle today.

Talk to you soon

Laura Salmon x

Wednesday, June 13, 2007


I had thankfully completed all of my exams and i had one last day of study leave before returning to class. This was the Day Robert Ruddy Equine dentist was coming to our stables to give the horses a check up.

Last time Jayde had the dentist she was really stressed so we had chosen to get Molly, Jayde and Jasmin (our little grey mare) sedated. Other horses at the yard were done whilst we were waiting for the vet. Jayde was done first and just needed her teeth filing as they were a little sharp, Molly had the same and jasmin had more extensive work done. They were all really sleepy Bless!!!

My grandparents had bought Jasmin for the dentist from her Loaners in a nearby village only we had in mind training to sell for Jasmin as it's mine and leona's dream career and we wanted to start young. So Grandad decided that her loaners could either buy her or we would have her back after hearing her rider wasnt very interested.

So Jasmin got to stay at our yard until any further decisions are made and be trained and she hasn't half got a jump on her. I'm going to check the horses tomorrow and ride jayde because Grandma and Grandad are taking a well deserved Holiday. And in the case of Jasmin i'll let you know what happens.

Laura Salmon.

Thursday, June 07, 2007


It was already boiling before we set off so there was no doubt that suncream and sun hats would be required we arrived with loads of time at half 12 to let the horses settle in with the trade stands, the fair rides and many other attractions including a vintage car show, the atmosphere was buzzing, the sun was scorching reaching about 25 degrees and after some time around the show ground, we decided to retreat to revising for our exams the next day, mine biology and leona's in maths.Jayde and Molly were looking great and just chilling in the sun, we knew we had a long wait because they were only on class 3 and we were in classes 7 -9, novice to open jumper classes.

After a wonderful day at 5pm Leona rode her first class which was about 2ft6, and she had two stops at a psychodelic filler but got over 3rd attempt and also had one of the skinny double down, 12 faults. But in all the classes many combinations of horses and riders were eliminated. Then i jumped first in the intermediate at 7pm and made a speed error coming into the skinny double knocking both parts down, leaving me on a score of 8, again in the intermediate leona had 3 down, and i decided to wait for the open, which was 3ft 6, and at half 8 i finally got to jump, but we were both tired and had 5 rails down disastrous i know but at least we had no stops, so that built my confidence alot, knowing she would go round bigger tracks now and she seemed to really enjoy it.

Due to the pending exams on the monday, we got the horses into their travelling gear, and left them with our grandparents and a friend who would take the drive back to the stables with them, our dad picked us up to get us home for some revision, and as there would be no meal prepared for us at home at half 9, we stopped in at Mac Donalds, before going home to shower, revise and sleep.

Monday morning we were all still knackered, and my grandparents, who didnt get in til 12am!! so they had the day off and leona and i went to school for our exams, mine went fairly well but leona seemed a bit unsure of what she had done, then on tuesday i had french and my final exam yesterday in chemistry,which all were reasonable. Molly's getting shod today and having a weekend off cos leona is of away with her friend. We'll next be competing in a fortnights time at Crowle Show or Hill House Equestrian so you can catch me there!!!

Overall, Messingham show this year was great fun and a great chance to catch up with some of our old riding buddies, the atmosphere and weather were great, and even our jumping was ok, compared to alot of other riders, but next year i would leave it later til arriving so there isn't such a long wait. i want to take the oppertunity to thank my grandparents and my parents for being a huge help and making it possible for us to do this,for this show and the rest of this season and previous seasons, Thank You. So Messingham this year was great and we'll be back next year. And I CAN'T WAIT!!!!!!!

Laura Salmon x