Tuesday, December 12, 2006


it's afternoon on tuesday and it's rainy cancelling another training session with Jayde, so instead i thought i would come on here and update you about epworth club show, and about other bits and pieces.

Saturday 10th, Despite our concerns Molly was fine to go to Tickhill along with Jayde, It was a very icy and frosty morning and the wind was very chilly, so we had to go slower than anticipated, so it took us 2hrs + to get there meaning we missed the pairs relay. But we made it for our team with Elaine and Emma and Leona and I. Jayde jumped a lovely clean round and our team came 6th! and So i decided to Gymkhana which was funny, but jayde was a star and took everything in her stride, flags, posts, swinging letters, and our team came 3rd. Then we was awarded the prizes and selection boxes and we travelled home back to southdale in under 2 hrs.

Sunday, it was raining again, so leona and i just lunged Jayde and Molly and they both went well even if molly needed more encouragement to move and jayde less, it was cold and dark so we fed them and jayde went in for the night.

Well today it's raining, only just brightening up and i have been at colllege this morning, doing my work, in French, Biology and English, and i intended to ride but the weather was so horrid i decided against it, and watched my fave tv show ever Strictly come Dancing and it takes two.

I will update you later in the week before we go to willerby hill this weekend to close the year.
Laura Salmon x

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