Friday, April 27, 2007


Well the weather in England really has gone a bit funny hasn't it, i'm not used to competing in 20 degree + heat til july and August, so to have it in April is slightly bizarre. We arrived knowing our classes Pairs and Intermediate were about to start so we quickly went to register our arrival only to find there would be a 3hr wait in the boiling sun til our first class. So we kept the horses in the shade with plenty of water and a hay net. We waited around and we sunbathed and had some food and then finally it was time to prepare for our class.

We started off well in pairs clearing the time section until i missed a fence, i just didnt see it lol obviously the heat got to me so i turned around and jumped it but i knew that it cost us our chance of winning and later in the course i had a stop at a jump which i would never expect to be in it but after that we had a good home straight.In the Intermediate both Molly and Jayde cleared the time section and went out on the main course with a strong start however Leona and Molly missed 5 jumps out knocking them out of the competition and then Jayde stopped at one jump which i couldnt get her any where near so i went round it eliminating us too. But Jayde cleared every fence except that one so although disappointed i was kind of pleased too. i just hope that this weekend at Hill House EQ
it's not so hot!!!!!

Laura Salmon x

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